
To walk through the lines of two files at once

To walk through two files at once...
The following sample Perl code read the corresponding lines of two files, and print the line which contains the joined string to another file.
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
    print STDERR "   Usage: perl $0 List_1 List_2\n";

open(FileIn1, "$ARGV[0]") || die "Could not find file list $ARGV[0]";
open(FileIn2, "$ARGV[1]") || die "Could not find file list $ARGV[2]";
$outFile = "ChangeName_gbk" . ".bat";
open(FileOut, ">$outFile");

while (!eof(FileIn1) and !eof(FileIn2)) {
   my $line1 = ;
   my $line2 = ;
   chomp $line1;
   chomp $line2;
   print FileOut "rename \"$line1\" \"$line2\"\n";



Step-by-Step to wrap a vbs into an .exe

Here is a way to use Iexpress 2.0 to wrap your VBS scripts into an .exe. Iexpress 2.0 is native to Win XP and Win 7 and is quite useful when you have a VBS that is dependent on other files, like and install program or even an HTA. Once you have created the .EXE package a .SED file is also create in the same directory, which is the instructions for the Iexpress.exe. You can edit the .SED file in notepad and then run the iexpress wizard and select Open Existing Self Extraction Directive file and create your new package. This is helpful when you want to add new files, change the command line, or the output directory, you do not need to go through the whole package process again. Below are the instructions on how to create a new .EXE using Iexpress 2.0.
1.     On a computer running Windows XP or Windows 7, click Start, click Run, enter iexpress, and click OK. This starts the IExpress Wizard.
2.     On the Welcome to IExpress 2.0 page, select Create new Self Extraction Directive file and click Next.
3.     On the Package purpose page, select Extract files and run an installation command and click Next.
4.     On the Package title page, type a title for your package and click Next.
5.     On the Confirmation prompt page, select No prompt and click Next.
6.     On the License agreement page, select Do not display a license and click Next.
7.     On the Packaged files page, click Add and select the vbs script from the directory in which it resides:
8.     When you finish adding files, click Next.
9.     On the Install Program to Launch page, in the Install Program box, type c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe “yourVBS.VBS”  OR  c:\windows\system32\wscript.exe “yourVBS.VBS” Leave the Post Install Command box BLANK.
10.  On the Show window page, select Hidden and click Next.
11.  On the Finished message page, select No message and click Next.
12.  On the Package Name and Options page, enter the path and filename that you want for this distribution package. Check both boxes and click Yes to the warning under Options and click Next.
13.  On the Configure restart page, select No restart and click Next.
14.  On the Save Self Extraction Directive page, select Save Self Extraction Directive (SED) file:, edit the path and name of the file, and click Next.
15.  On the Create package page, click Next. When the package has been created, click Finish to exit.
16.  The package will now be created with the name you specified and have an extension of .EXE ex. “yourVBS.EXE”


Using awk and sort in Linux

 Contents of script file port.awk:
   if (NR > 2) print $1

The awk script tells system to process an ASCII file to dump the first field of the input record, as long as the current input record number in the input file is greater than 2 (i.e., printing the 1st field starting from the 3rd line of the input file).

awk -f port.awk PORT_M1 | sort > port_m1.sort


Brilliant 公司古典吉他作品合集

專輯英文名: The Classical Guitar Collection (Brilliant 25CDs) [APE] 
專輯中文名: Brilliant公司古典吉他作品合集
藝術家: VA 
古典類型: 室內樂 
資源格式: APE 
發行時間: 2003 
地區: 美國 
語言: 英語 



亞曆山德羅·帕格尼尼(Alessandro Paganini15661638,義大利) 
亞曆山德羅·斯卡拉蒂(Alessandro Scarlatti16601725,義大利) 
弗朗索瓦·庫普蘭(Francois Couperin16681110日-1733912日,法國)
安東尼奧·盧奇奧·維瓦爾第(Antonio Lucio Vivaldi167834日-1741728日,義大利)
格奧爾格·菲力浦·泰勒曼(Georg Philipp Telemann1681314日-1767625日,德國)
多明尼克·斯卡拉蒂(Domenico Scarlatti16851757,義大利)
喬治·弗裡德里希·亨德爾(George Frideric Handel, 16851759,德國)
約翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach1685331日-1750728日,德國)
卡爾·菲力浦·埃馬努埃爾·巴赫(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach17141788,德國)
約翰·克裡斯朵夫·弗裡德里希·巴赫(Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach 1732621日-1795126日,德國)
費爾狄南多·卡魯裡(Ferdinando Carulli 17701841,義大利)
費爾南多·索爾(Fernando Sor1778214日-183978日,西班牙)
莫羅·朱利亞尼(Mauro Giuliani 17811827,義大利)
尼可羅·帕格尼尼(Niccolo Paganini17821027日-1840527日,義大利)
卓阿基諾.羅西尼(Gioachino Rossini17921868,義大利)
拿破崙·柯斯特(Napoleon Coste18061833,法國)
法蘭西斯科·泰雷加(Francisco Tarrega18521909,西班牙)
伊薩克·阿爾貝尼茲(Isaac Albeniz18601909年,西班牙)
恩裡克·格拉納多斯(Enrique Granados1867727日-1916324日,西班牙)
曼努埃爾·龐塞(Manuel Ponce1882-1948,墨西哥)
奥古斯丁·巴厘奧斯·曼戈雷(Agustin Barrios Mangore188555日-194487日,巴拉圭)
海托爾·維拉-羅伯斯(Heitor Villa-Lobos188735日-19591117日,巴西)
馬里奧·卡斯特諾沃-泰德斯科(Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, 1895-1968,義大利)
華金·羅德里戈(Joaquin Rodrigo 19011122日-199976日,西班牙)
萊奧·布勞威爾(Leo Brouwer193931日-,古巴)
安吉羅·吉拉狄諾(Angelo Gilardino1941-,義大利)
馬克沁·迪亞戈·普霍爾(Maximo Diego Pujol1957-,阿根廷)
CD 1

CD 2-3
Intavolatura di Liuto et di Chitarrone

CD 4
12 Sonatas for guitar

CD 5-6
Rossiniana and Pot-Pourris

CD 7
Arrangements of opera overtures

CD 8
RondosLe Avventure di AmoreTarantella

CD 9
Variazioni Concertanti
Polonesi ConcertantiLa Lira Notturna

CD 10
Guitar Concertos Nos. 1 & 3

CD 11
Guitar Concerto No.2
Gran QuintettoGenerali Variations

CD 12-13
Music for guitar duo

CD 14
Guitar Concertos

CD 15
Complete works for guitar and fortepiano

CD 16-17
Semiramide arr. Guiliani

CD 18-19
The Romantic Guitar

CD 20
Guitar Concertos

CD 21
Barrios Mangoré
Music for solo guitar

CD 22
Complete guitar duos

CD 23
Guitar Concertos

CD 24
Trascendentia - Studies Nos. 1-12

CD 25
Music for solo guitar

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