
Replacing ^M with new-line

I have a file with the following texts, in which ^M is made of Ctrl-M.
Obviously I need to replace the Ctrl-M's with "new-line" specical characters.
To complete this task, a ed command of "1:$s/Ctrl-QCtrl-M/\r/g" will

% impact on IS n and VTo from doping conc deviations ^M% The parameters are extracted from Charge Sheet Model^M% trisigmas are displayed in the command window^Mclear^Mclf^M^M% data acquisition (com. gate) ----------^Mm = 500; % number of samples.^M% data -------------------------------- ^MT = 300; % ?K^MN = 1.0e17*(1 + .01*randn(1,m)); % cm^-3^Mtox = 5.; % nm^MVFB = .8; % V^M^M% compute --------------------------------------^M% 1 ----- acquisition of n, VTo and IS from Charge Sheet Model ^Mp = pMat(T,N,tox);^Mz = 50; Isu = logspace(-7,-5,z);^MUG = .6: .1: 1.2;^MUS = [.1 .6];^M^Mfor zz = 1:length(UG),^M VG = UG(zz);^M US1 = US(1);^M IDu1 = IDsh(p,US1,5,VG+VFB)'; ^M i1 = IDu1(:,ones(1,z))./Isu(ones(m,1),:);^M q1 = .5*(sqrt(1 + 4*i1) - 1);^M VP1 = US1 + p(3,1)*(2*(q1-1) + log(q1));^M^M US2 = US(2);^M IDu2 = IDsh(p,US2,5,VG+VFB)'; ^M i2 = IDu2(:,ones(1,z))./Isu(ones(m,1),:);^M q2 = .5*(sqrt(1 + 4*i2) - 1);^M VP2 = US2 + p(3,1)*(2*(q2-1) + log(q2));^M^M R = VP1./VP2;^M for k = 1:m,^M ISux(k,zz) = interp1(R(k,:),Isu',1,'spline');^M VP(k,zz) = interp1(Isu,VP2(k,:),ISux(k,zz),'spline');^M end^Mend^M^M% 2 ----- statistical analysis^Mfor h = 1:m;^M P1 = polyfit(VP(h,:),UG,1); ^M n(h,1) = P1(1); ^M VTo(h,1) = P1(2);^M ISu = mean(ISux')';^Mend^M^M% plot ----------------------------------------------^M^Msubplot(2,2,1); Gss(n); title('P(n)'); xlabel('n');^Mmean(n)^Msubplot(2,2,2); Gss(ISu); title('P(I_S_u)'); xlabel('I_S_u (A)');^Mmean(ISu)^Msubplot(2,2,3); Gss(VTo); title('P(V_T_o)'); xlabel('V_T_o (V)');^Mmean(VTo)^Msubplot(111)


原文名: Johann Sebastian Bach
國別: 德國
出生日期: 1685321
出生地: 艾森納赫
逝世日期: 1750728
逝世地: 萊比錫
所屬時期: 巴羅克
擅長類型: 管風琴曲、其他鍵盤樂、宗教音樂、協奏曲、其他樂器獨奏曲
代表作: 平均律鋼琴曲集、勃蘭登堡協奏曲、戈德堡變奏曲、馬太受難曲、大量康塔塔
學生: W.F.巴哈,C.P.E.巴哈,J·C·F·巴哈

約翰·薩巴斯坦·巴哈(德語:Johann Sebastian Bach1685321日-1750728日),巴羅克時期的德國作曲家,傑出的管風琴、小提琴、大鍵琴演奏家。巴哈被普遍認為是音樂史上最重 要的作曲家之一,並被尊稱為西方現代音樂之父,也是西方文化史上最重要的人物之一。


儘管他的音樂並沒有開創新風格,但他的創作使用了豐富的德國的音樂風格和嫺熟的複調技巧。他的音樂集成了巴羅克音樂風格的精華。但由於音樂的風尚迅速轉向 為洛可哥和古典主義風格,巴哈的複調音樂音樂被視為陳腐之物,其成就長時間未得到應有的評價,僅僅作為管風琴演奏家而聞名。雖然莫札特、貝多芬等偉大作曲 家均對巴哈的作品崇拜有加,但直到浪漫主義時代,作曲家舒曼在萊比錫的圖書館中發現了巴哈的受難曲,並且由作曲家孟德爾松在音樂會上演奏,才震驚音樂界。 此後孟德爾松對他的作品進行了發掘、整理和推廣,經過幾代音樂家的共同努力,巴哈逐漸獲得了今天的崇高地位。在西方音樂史上巴哈Bach,貝多芬 Beethoven和勃拉姆斯Brahms被尊稱為德國“3B”

偉大的作曲家約翰·薩巴斯坦·巴哈是成功地把西歐不同民族的音樂風格渾然溶為一體的開山大師。他萃集義大利、法國和德國傳統音樂中的精華,曲盡其妙,珠 聯璧合,天衣無縫。巴哈自己在一生中並未享有盛名,而且在死後五十年中就已被世人遺忘。但是在近來一個半世紀中他的名氣卻在不斷地增長,今天一般認為他是 超乎時空的最偉大的兩三位作曲家之一,而且有些人認為他是其中最偉大的作曲家。

巴哈於1685年出生在德國愛森納赫。天賜良機,他生在一個音樂天賦受到重視、音樂成就受到鼓勵的環境裡,他的家庭早在他來世前許多年就已經在音樂界赫赫 有名了。他父親是一位優秀的小提琴手,祖父的兄弟中有兩位是具有天賦的作曲家,叔伯兄弟姐妹中有幾位是頗受尊敬的音樂家。

巴哈九歲喪母,十歲成了孤兒。由於他嗓音美妙,經濟拮据,少年時期靠獎學金進了在呂訥堡的聖·蜜雪兒學校。1702年他從聖·蜜雪兒學校畢業,翌年在一家 室內樂隊當一名小提琴手。在隨後的二十年中,他幹過許多行當。巴哈在一生中主要是以一位卓越的風琴家而聞名,雖然他還是一位作曲家、教師以及樂隊指揮。 1723年巴哈三十八歲時開始在萊比錫的聖·湯瑪斯教堂任歌詠班領唱,他在餘生的二十七年中一直擔任此角,1750年,他的心臟停止了跳動。

巴哈從未居過高位,不過總能養家糊口,他在有生之年遠不如莫札特和貝多芬(甚至不如弗朗茲·李斯特和弗雷德里克·蕭邦)那樣馳名。並不是巴哈所有的雇主都 能賞識他的才能。萊比錫教會希望能聘到一位第一流音樂家,只是他們未能雇上最初認定的兩位人選,在無可奈何的情況下才讓巴哈擔任歌詠班領唱一職!但在幾年以前,他要辭去魏瑪公爵庭中的風琴手和首席小提琴手的職務,另謀新職,公爵對此耿耿於懷,結果將他投入獄中。巴哈度過了三個多星期的鐵窗生活,公爵終 于慈悲大發,將他釋放。

巴哈二十一歲時同他的叔伯二妹結為伉儷,他們一共生了七個孩子,但是當巴哈三十五歲時妻子不幸夭折。翌年他鸞鳳再續,可是他的第二個妻子非但不能幫助撫養 頭七個孩子,反而又給他生了十三個。巴哈死後只留下九個兒女,其中有四個成為真正著名的音樂家。這的確是一個音樂天才之家!

巴哈是一位多產的作曲家。他的作品包括有將近300首的大合唱曲;組成《平均律鋼琴曲集》的一套48首賦格曲和前奏曲;至少還有140首其它前奏 曲;100多首其它大鍵琴樂曲;23首小協奏曲;4首序曲;33首奏鳴曲;5首彌撒曲;3首聖樂曲及許多其它樂曲。總計起來,巴哈譜寫出800多首嚴肅樂曲。



一般認為巴哈是所有著名作曲家中水準最高的藝術家。他諳熟他的時代的所有音樂形式,並對其中任何一種都能運用自如,達到了爐火純青的地步。例如他對旋律組合法(同時演奏兩種或兩種以上不同曲調的方法)在藝術上的精通程度堪稱前無古人,後無來者。此外,他的管弦樂作品邏輯性強,變幻多樣,主題貼切感人,旋律 豐富多姿,因此他愈加倍受讚頌。



巴哈的作品的目錄中,使用的BWV,是德文Bach Werke Verzeichnis的縮寫。譯成英文為Bach Works Catalogue(巴哈作品目錄)。這個分類體系由Wolfgang Schmieder(沃爾夫岡-史密德)完成於1950年。此分類法依據是體裁,而非作品的創作年代。




巴哈的音樂創作受到多方面影響,包括義大利的器樂協奏曲和奏鳴曲,北德管風琴學派的管風琴音樂,新教聖詠,法國的羽管鍵琴音樂等等,在他的作品中,巴哈將 前人的創作成果融匯貫通,並運用不可思議的對位法技術,創造出極為崇高,深邃,豐富的音樂世界,將巴羅克音樂發展到巔峰。




CPE BACH - Hamburg Concertos.2CD

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To define two nets are the same in CDL

How do I define two nets with their own net names are the same net in CDL?

Use "*.CONNECT" CDL command.

For instance,


Tells the verification tool that net VDDH is connected to VCCD.


Queen: Absolute Greatest

專輯英文名: Queen: Absolute Greatest

歌手: Queen
別名: 皇后合唱團
音樂風格: 流行
版本: [Remastered][iTunes Plus AAC]
發行時間: 2009年11月16日
地區: 義大利
語言: 英語


  這是Queen於2009年11月16日發行的一張精選。和之前另一個資源有所區別的是,這是完全版的2CD,CD1包含20首Queen的經典曲目,CD2是樂隊成員介紹的每首歌曲的創作歷程。包含訪談的專輯全名為《Queen: Absolute Greatest (Remastered)》



01. We Will Rock You
02. We Are The Champions
03. Radio Ga Ga
04. Another One Bites The Dust
05. I Want It All (Single Version)
06. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
07. A Kind Of Magic
08. Under Pressure
09. One Vision (Single Version)
10. You're My Best Friend
11. Don't Stop Me Now
12. Killer Queen
13. These Are The Days Of Our Lives
14. Who Wants To Live Forever
15. Seven Seas Of Rhye
16. Heaven For Everyone (Single Version)
17. Somebody To Love
18. I Want To Break Free (Single Version)
19. The Show Must Go On
20. Bohemian Rhapsody

01. We Will Rock You (With Commentary)
02. We Are the Champions (With Commentary)
03. Radio Ga Ga (With Commentary)
04. Another One Bites The Dust (With Commentary)
05. I Want It All (With Commentary)
06. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (With Commentary)
07. A Kind Of Magic (With Commentary)
08. Under Pressure (With Commentary)
09. One Vision (With Commentary)
10. You're My Best Friend (With Commentary)
11. Don't Stop Me Now (With Commentary)
12. Killer Queen (With Commentary)
13. These Are The Days Of Our Lives (With Commentary)
14. Who Wants To Live Forever (With Commentary)
15. Seven Seas Of Rhye (With Commentary)
16. Heaven For Everyone (With Commentary)
17. Somebody To Love (With Commentary)
18. I Want To Break Free (With Commentary)
19. The Show Must Go On (With Commentary)
20. Bohemian Rhapsody (With Commentary)

Network drive

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EMI 100 Best Collection

專輯英文名: EMI 100 Best Collection

專輯中文名: 百代百分百系列全集
藝術家: Various Artist
古典類型: 全集作品
版本: [iTunes Plus AAC]
發行時間: 2008年
地區: 美國
語言: 英語


全球歷史最悠久的唱片公司,世界20世紀五大唱片集團之一。1897年成立,總部設在倫敦,在全世界146個國家設立分支機搆,其下擁有Captial, Apple, Virgin(維京唱片), Parlophone, Liberty, Blue Note等唱片品牌,是英國唱片業的龍頭公司。經過一個多世紀的發展,在流行與古典領域中均佔有舉足輕重的地位。2000年初,與新成立的AOL-Warner(美國線上-時代華納)集團的華納音樂合併,共同組成了新世紀全球最大的唱片集團。

  在古典音樂領域,EMI的演繹陣容包括了BBC交響樂團,皇家愛樂樂團,倫敦愛樂樂團等知名樂團;指揮大師穆蒂,普列文,巴比羅利等;小提琴家梅紐因,帕爾曼等;大提琴家杜普蕾等;歌唱家卡盧梭,卡拉絲,施瓦茨科普夫等;鋼琴家裡帕蒂,阿什肯納奇等;指揮大師卡拉揚,富特溫格勒早年也曾與該公司合作。在流行音樂領域,EMI記載了流行音樂的整個發展歷程,旗下擁有著名的The Beatles,Backstreet's Boys,Michael Learns To Rock,Richard Marx,Enigma,SexPistols,Beach Boys,Crowded House,Kraftwerk,Massive Attack,Kate Bush,911以及華裔小提琴家陳美,音樂劇皇后Sarah Brightman等眾多著名流行音樂人,我國的著名歌星王菲,那英,林憶蓮等也在該公司麾下。

100 Best 20th Century Classics
100 Best Adagios
100 Best Adagio Voices
100 Best Bach
100 Best Ballet
100 Best Baroque
100 Best Beethoven
100 Best Carols
100 Best Concertos
100 Best Cello
100 Best Chopin
100 Best Classics
100 Best Classics Two
100 Best Encores
100 Best Film Classics
100 Best Guitar Classics
100 Best Jazz
100 Best Maria Callas
100 Best Menuhin
100 Best Mozart
100 Best Opera Classics
100 Best Piano Classics
100 Best Puccini
100 Best Relaxing Classics
100 Best Romantic Classics
100 Best Sacred Classic
100 Best Tenor Arias
100 Best Violin
100 Best Vivaldi
100 Best Wedding

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V.A. - ABC of the Blues

Artist: VA
Title Of Album: ABC of the Blues [Box Set]
Year Of Release: 2010
Label: M.A.T. Music Theme Licensing Ltd.
Genre: Blues / Rhythm and Blues / Country Blues / Jazz / Soul / Swing / Folk
Catalogue#: 233168 PC 374
Format: FLAC (tracks + .cue, log-file)
Total Size:11.4 GB

      This 52 disc Ultimate Collection features music from the Delta to the Big Cities. This special first edition also includes a historic puck harmonica.

      How blue can you get? You will find your favorites here and discover some hidden gems, as the 'ABC of the Blues' brings together the best of the best.

      It presents some of the most influential Blues musicians - some of the most influential musicians, period. Their styles may range as far and wide as their attitudes, their concepts, yes, even their stories and legends. The oldest member of the distinct congregation were born in the late 19th century. Some of the young'uns still record and perform to this day. The music may lift you up or get you down.

      But one thing is for sure: The Blues will live on!
      Over 100 legendary musicians are included, such as Kokomo Arnold, Alberta Hunter, Amos Milburn, Arthur Gunter, B.B. King, Barbecue Bob, Bessie Smith, Big Ball Broonzy, Big Joe Turner, Big Joe Williams, Big Macco, Big Mama Thornton, Big Maybelle, Billy Boy Arnold, Blind Blake, Blind Willie Johnson, Blind Willie McTell, Blue Le Barker, Bo Diddley, Bobby 'Blue' Bland, Buddy Guy, Bukka White, Champion Jack Dupree, Charles Brown, Charlie Patton, Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown, Cousin Joe, Earl Hooker, Eddie Cleanhead Vinson, Eddie Taylor, Elmore James, Floyd Dixon, Frankie Lee Sims, Furry Lewis, Howlin' Wolf, Huey 'Piano Smith' Ivory Joe Hunter, J.B. Lenoir, Jimmy McCracklin, Jimmy Reed, Jimmy Rushing, Jimmy Witherspoon, Jimmy Yancey, John Lee Hooker, Johnny Guitar Watson, Johnny Moore's Three Blazers, Johnny Otis, Johnny Shines, Josh White, Junior Parker, Junior Wells, Leadbelly, Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell, Lightnin' Hopkins, Lightnin' Hopkins, Lightnin' Slim, Little Walter, Little Willie John, Lonnie Johnson, Lowell Fulson, Magic Sam, Memphis Minnie, Memphis Slim, Mississippi Fred McDowell, Mississippi John Hurt, Muddy Waters, Otis Rush, Pee Wee Crayton, Peetie Wheatstraw, Percy Mayfield, Professor Longhair, Richard Berry, Robert Johnson, Robert Lockwood, Robert Nighthawk, Roosevelt Sykes, Roy Milton, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Sippie Wallace, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Skip James, Sleepy John Estes, Slim Gaillard, Smiley Lewis, Snooks Eaglin, Snooky Pryor, Son House, Sonny Boy Williamson I. (John Lee), Sonny Boy Williamson II. (Rice Miller), Sonny Terry, Sunnyland Slim, Tampa Red, T-Bone Walker, The Four Blazes, Tommy Johnson, Tommy McClennan, Willie Dixon, Wynonie Harris.

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01-01 Kokomo Arnold - Backfence Picket Blues
01-02 Kokomo Arnold - Fool Man Blues
01-03 Kokomo Arnold - Long and Tall
01-04 Kokomo Arnold - Sally Dog
01-05 Kokomo Arnold - Cold Winter Blues
01-06 Kokomo Arnold - Sister Jane Cross the Hall
01-07 Kokomo Arnold - Wild Water Blues
01-08 Kokomo Arnold - Laugh and Grin Blues
01-09 Kokomo Arnold - Mean Old Twister
01-10 Kokomo Arnold - Red Beans and Rice
01-11 Billy Boy Arnold - My Heart Is Crying
01-12 Billy Boy Arnold - I Wish You Would
01-13 Billy Boy Arnold - I Ain't Got You
01-14 Billy Boy Arnold - Here's My Picture
01-15 Billy Boy Arnold - You Got Me Wrong
01-16 Billy Boy Arnold - Prisoner's Plea
01-17 Billy Boy Arnold - Every Day, Every Night
01-18 Billy Boy Arnold - No, No, No, No, No
01-19 Billy Boy Arnold - Rockinitis
01-20 Billy Boy Arnold - I Was Fooled

02-01 Richard Berry - Louie, Louie
02-02 Richard Berry - Sweet Sugar You
02-03 Richard Berry - You Look So Good
02-04 Richard Berry - Mess Around
02-05 Richard Berry - No Room
02-06 Richard Berry - I Want You to Be My Girl
02-07 Richard Berry - I'm Your Fool
02-08 Richard Berry - Walk Right In
02-09 Richard Berry - Give It Up
02-10 Richard Berry - Have Love, Will Travel
02-11 Barbecue Bob - Yo Yo Blues
02-12 Barbecue Bob - California Blues
02-13 Barbecue Bob - Motherless Chiles Blues
02-14 Barbecue Bob - She's Coming Back Some Cold Rainy Day
02-15 Barbecue Bob - Barbecue Blues
02-16 Barbecue Bob - Ease It to Me Blues
02-17 Barbecue Bob - Chocolate to the Bone
02-18 Barbecue Bob - Good Time Rounder
02-19 Barbecue Bob - Atlanta Moan
02-20 Barbecue Bob - Diddle-Da-Diddle

05-01 Big Bill Broonzy - Mississippi River Blues
05-02 Big Bill Broonzy - Long Tall Mama
05-03 Big Bill Broonzy - Worrying You Off My Mind (Part 1)
05-04 Big Bill Broonzy - Rising Sun Shine On
05-05 Big Bill Broonzy - Come Home Early
05-06 Big Bill Broonzy - Good Jelly
05-07 Big Bill Broonzy - Bull Cow Blues
05-08 Big Bill Broonzy - I Can't Make You Satisfied
05-09 Big Bill Broonzy - How You Want It Done
05-10 Big Bill Broonzy - Hattie Blues
05-11 Scrapper Blackwell - Kokomo Blues
05-12 Blind Blake - Come On Boys, Let's Do That Messin' Around
05-13 Blind Blake - Hard Pushin' Papa
05-14 Blind Blake - Skeedle Loo Doo Blues
05-15 Blind Blake - Georgia Bound
05-16 Blind Blake - Too Tight Blues, No. 2
05-17 Blind Blake - Diddie Wah Diddie
05-18 Blind Blake - Southern Rag
05-19 Blind Blake - C.C. Pill Blues
05-20 Blind Blake - Rope Stretching Blues, Pt. 1

06-01 Champion Jack Dupree - Strollin'
06-02 Champion Jack Dupree - T.B. Blues
06-03 Champion Jack Dupree - Can't Kick the Habit
06-04 Champion Jack Dupree - Evil Woman
06-05 Champion Jack Dupree - Nasty Boogie
06-06 Champion Jack Dupree - Junker's Blues
06-07 Champion Jack Dupree - Bad Blood
06-08 Champion Jack Dupree - Goin' Down Slow
06-09 Champion Jack Dupree - Frankie & Johnny
06-10 Champion Jack Dupree - Stack-O-Lee
06-11 Cousin Joe - Fly Hen Blues
06-12 Cousin Joe - Little Eva
06-13 Cousin Joe - Lightning Struck the Poorhouse
06-14 Cousin Joe - Baby You Don't Know at All
06-15 Cousin Joe - The Barefoot Baby
06-16 Cousin Joe - Box Car Shorty and Peter Blue
06-17 Cousin Joe - Beggin' Woman
06-18 Cousin Joe - Sadie Brown
06-19 Cousin Joe - Evolution Blues
06-20 Cousin Joe - Box Car Shorty's Confession

07-01 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - Wrong Man Blues
07-02 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - Gettin' All Wet
07-03 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - Blue with the Blues
07-04 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - Christmas in Jail, Ain't That a Pain
07-05 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - That's Tellin'em
07-06 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - Papa Wants a Cookie
07-07 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - The Dirty Dozen
07-08 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - Carried Water for the Elephant
07-09 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - Let's Disagree
07-10 Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell - Papa's Got Your Water On
07-11 Pee Wee Crayton - Win-O
07-12 Pee Wee Crayton - I Got News for You
07-13 Pee Wee Crayton - Blues Before Dawn
07-14 Pee Wee Crayton - Don't Break My Heart
07-15 Pee Wee Crayton - The Telephone Is Ringing
07-16 Pee Wee Crayton - California Women
07-17 Pee Wee Crayton - Blues for My Baby
07-18 Pee Wee Crayton - Dedicated to the Blues
07-19 Pee Wee Crayton - Phone Call from My Baby
07-20 Pee Wee Crayton - Blues After Hours

10-01 Snooks Eaglin - Careless Love
10-02 Snooks Eaglin - Let Me Go Home, Whisky
10-03 Snooks Eaglin - Trouble in Mind
10-04 Snooks Eaglin - St. James Infirmary
10-05 Snooks Eaglin - Rock Island Line
10-06 Snooks Eaglin - Sophisticated Blues
10-07 Snooks Eaglin - I'm Looking for a Woman
10-08 Snooks Eaglin - Look Down That Lonesome Road
10-09 Snooks Eaglin - I Got a Questionnaire
10-10 Snooks Eaglin - One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer
10-11 Sleepy John Estes - Jack and Jill Blues
10-12 Sleepy John Estes - Poor Man's Friend
10-13 Sleepy John Estes - Hobo Jungle Blues
10-14 Sleepy John Estes - Airplane Blues
10-15 Sleepy John Estes - Floating Bridge
10-16 Sleepy John Estes - Need More Blues
10-17 Sleepy John Estes - Fire Department Blues
10-18 Sleepy John Estes - New Someday Baby
10-19 Sleepy John Estes - Liquor Store Blues
10-20 Sleepy John Estes - Brownsville Blues

11-01 Lowell Fulson - I Wanna Make Love to You
11-02 Lowell Fulson - Rock'em Dead
11-03 Lowell Fulson - You Better Rock This Morning
11-04 Lowell Fulson - Rollin' Blues
11-05 Lowell Fulson - Someday Baby
11-06 Lowell Fulson - It Took a Long Time
11-07 Lowell Fulson - That's Alright
11-08 Lowell Fulson - It's a Long Time
11-09 Lowell Fulson - Loving You
11-10 Lowell Fulson - Lonely Hours
11-11 The Four Blazes - Stop Boogie Woogie
11-12 The Four Blazes - Snag the Britches
11-13 The Four Blazes - Raggedy Ride
11-14 The Four Blazes - Perfect Woman
11-15 The Four Blazes - Night Train
11-16 The Four Blazes - Never Start Living
11-17 The Four Blazes - Women, Women
11-18 The Four Blazes - Drunken Blues
11-19 The Four Blazes - My Hat's on the Side of My Head
11-20 The Four Blazes - Mary Jo

12-01 Buddy Guy - Try to Quit You, Baby
12-02 Buddy Guy - You Sure Can't Do
12-03 Buddy Guy - This Is the End
12-04 Buddy Guy - Sit and Cry (The Blues)
12-05 Arthur Gunter - Baby Let's Play House
12-06 Arthur Gunter - No Naggin', No Draggin'
12-07 Arthur Gunter - Honey Babe
12-08 Arthur Gunter - Little Blues Jeans Woman
12-09 Arthur Gunter - Baby You Better Listen
12-10 Arthur Gunter - I Want Her Back
12-11 Arthur Gunter - Crazy Me
12-12 Arthur Gunter - Ludella
12-13 Arthur Gunter - Blues After Hours
12-14 Slim Gaillard - Walkin' & Cookin' Blues
12-15 Slim Gaillard - Blue Heaven
12-16 Slim Gaillard - Thunderbird
12-17 Slim Gaillard - Chicken Rhythm
12-18 Slim Gaillard - I Love You
12-19 Slim Gaillard - I Don't Stand a Ghost of a Chance with You
12-20 Slim Gaillard - Don't Blame Me

13-01 John Lee Hooker - Dimples
13-02 John Lee Hooker - I'm in the Mood
13-03 John Lee Hooker - Boogie Chillen'
13-04 John Lee Hooker - Let Your Daddy Ride
13-05 John Lee Hooker - John L's House Rent Boogie
13-06 John Lee Hooker - Weeping Willow Boogie
13-07 John Lee Hooker - Huckle Up Baby
13-08 John Lee Hooker - Hobo Blues
13-09 John Lee Hooker - Crawlin' King Snake
13-10 John Lee Hooker - Sally Mae
13-11 Wynonie Harris - Around the Clock Pt. 1 & 2
13-12 Wynonie Harris - Yonder Goes My Baby
13-13 Wynonie Harris - Don't Take My Whiskey Away from Me
13-14 Wynonie Harris - Cock-A-Doodle-Doo
13-15 Wynonie Harris - Time to Change Your Town
13-16 Wynonie Harris - You Got to Get Yourself a Job, Girl
13-17 Wynonie Harris - Oh Babe!
13-18 Wynonie Harris - Luscious Woman
13-19 Wynonie Harris - Stormy Night Blues
13-20 Wynonie Harris - Git to Gittin' Baby

14-01 Earl Hooker - Sweet Black Angel
14-02 Earl Hooker - Earl's Boogie Woogie
14-03 Earl Hooker - Goin' Down the Line
14-04 Earl Hooker - Guitar Rag
14-05 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Put a Spell on You
14-06 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Yellow Coat
14-07 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - If You Are But a Dream
14-08 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - You Made Me Love
14-09 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Orange Colored Sky
14-10 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Hong Kong
14-11 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Baptize Me in Wine
14-12 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Not Anymore
14-13 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - I Hear Voices
14-14 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - The Whammy
14-15 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Little Demon
14-16 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Poor Folks
14-17 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Your Kind of Love
14-18 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Ashes
14-19 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
14-20 Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Ol' Man River

15-01 Lightnin' Hopkins - Katie Mae Blues
15-02 Lightnin' Hopkins - Play with Your Poodle
15-03 Lightnin' Hopkins - Automobile
15-04 Lightnin' Hopkins - "T" Model Blues
15-05 Lightnin' Hopkins - Baby Please Don't Go
15-06 Lightnin' Hopkins - Needed Time
15-07 Lightnin' Hopkins - Short Haired Woman
15-08 Lightnin' Hopkins - Mad with You
15-09 Lightnin' Hopkins - Lightnin' Boogie
15-10 Lightnin' Hopkins - Give Me Central 209
15-11 Lightnin' Hopkins - Coffee Blues
15-12 Lightnin' Hopkins - What's the Matter Now
15-13 Lightnin' Hopkins - I'm Wild About You Baby
15-14 Lightnin' Hopkins - Movin' On Out Boogie
15-15 Lightnin' Hopkins - Policy Game
15-16 Lightnin' Hopkins - Lightnin' Jump
15-17 Lightnin' Hopkins - Late in the Evening
15-18 Lightnin' Hopkins - They Wonder Who I Am
15-19 Lightnin' Hopkins - Had a Gal Called Sal
15-20 Lightnin' Hopkins - Blues for My Cookie

16-01 Howlin' Wolf - Look-A-Here Baby
16-02 Howlin' Wolf - Smile at Me
16-03 Howlin' Wolf - California Boogie
16-04 Howlin' Wolf - My Baby Walked Off
16-05 Howlin' Wolf - Chocolate Drop
16-06 Howlin' Wolf - Mr. Highway Man
16-07 Howlin' Wolf - Color and Kind
16-08 Howlin' Wolf - Everybody's in the Mood
16-09 Howlin' Wolf - (Well) That's Alright
16-10 Howlin' Wolf - Baby Ride with Me
16-11 Howlin' Wolf - Decoration Day Blues
16-12 Howlin' Wolf - Moanin' at Midnight
16-13 Howlin' Wolf - The Wolf Is at Your Door
16-14 Howlin' Wolf - Getting Old and Grey
16-15 Howlin' Wolf - Oh, Red!
16-16 Howlin' Wolf - My Last Affair
16-17 Howlin' Wolf - Dorothy Mae
16-18 Howlin' Wolf - I Got a Woman?o豕Sweet Woman
16-19 Howlin' Wolf - Bluebird Blues
16-20 Howlin' Wolf - Howlin' Wolf Boogie

17-01 Alberta Hunter - Down Hearted Blues
17-02 Alberta Hunter - Why Did You Pick Me Up When I Was Down
17-03 Alberta Hunter - Don't Pan Me
17-04 Alberta Hunter - Jazzin' Baby Blues
17-05 Alberta Hunter - You Can't Have It All
17-06 Alberta Hunter - You Shall Reap Just What You Sow
17-07 Alberta Hunter - Taint Nobody's Business
17-08 Alberta Hunter - If You Want to Keep your Daddy
17-09 Alberta Hunter - Chirping the Blues
17-10 Alberta Hunter - Some Day Sweetheart
17-11 Ivory Joe Hunter - Heaven Came Down to Earth
17-12 Ivory Joe Hunter - It May Sound Silly
17-13 Ivory Joe Hunter - I Need You
17-14 Ivory Joe Hunter - You Mean Everything to Me
17-15 Ivory Joe Hunter - Shooty Booty
17-16 Ivory Joe Hunter - Yes, I Want You
17-17 Ivory Joe Hunter - I Just Want to Love You
17-18 Ivory Joe Hunter - I'll Never Leave You, Baby
17-19 Ivory Joe Hunter - All About the Blues
17-20 Ivory Joe Hunter - She's Gone

18-01 Robert Johnson - They're Red Hot
18-02 Robert Johnson - 32-20 Blues
18-03 Robert Johnson - Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)
18-04 Robert Johnson - Stop Breakin' Down Blues
18-05 Robert Johnson - I Believe I'll Dust My Broom
18-06 Robert Johnson - Sweet Home Chicago
18-07 Robert Johnson - Kindhearted Woman Blues
18-08 Robert Johnson - Ramblin' on My Mind
18-09 Robert Johnson - Crossroad Blues
18-10 Robert Johnson - Malted Milk
18-11 Robert Johnson - Love in Vain Blues
18-12 Robert Johnson - Honeymoon Blues
18-13 Robert Johnson - When You Got a Good Friend
18-14 Robert Johnson - Travelling Riverside Blues
18-15 Robert Johnson - Terraplane Blues
18-16 Robert Johnson - Dead Shrimp Blues
18-17 Robert Johnson - Walkin' Blues
18-18 Robert Johnson - From Four Till Late
18-19 Robert Johnson - Last Fair Deal Goin' Down
18-20 Robert Johnson - Me and the Devil Blues

19-01 Elmore James - Dust My Broom
19-02 Elmore James - Sho' Nuff I Do
19-03 Elmore James - Please Find My Baby
19-04 Elmore James - Cry for Me Baby
19-05 Elmore James - Sunny Land
19-06 Elmore James - The 12 Year Old Boy
19-07 Elmore James - It Hurts Me, Too
19-08 Elmore James - Hawaiian Boogie
19-09 Elmore James - T.V. Mama
19-10 Lonnie Johnson - Have to Change Keys (To Play These Blues)
19-11 Lonnie Johnson - Mr. Johnson's Blues
19-12 Lonnie Johnson - Mean Old Bedbug Blues
19-13 Lonnie Johnson - Toothache Blues Pt. 1
19-14 Lonnie Johnson - Toothache Blues Pt. 2
19-15 Lonnie Johnson - Sweet Potato Blues
19-16 Lonnie Johnson - Guitar Blues
19-17 Lonnie Johnson - She's Making Whoopee in Hell Tonight
19-18 Lonnie Johnson - Got the Blues for Murder Only
19-19 Lonnie Johnson - I'm Nuts About That Gal
19-20 Lonnie Johnson - Deep Blue Sea Blues

20-01 Blind Willie Johnson - Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground
20-02 Blind Willie Johnson - If I Had My Way I'd Tear the Building Down
20-03 Blind Willie Johnson - Praise God I'm Satisfied
20-04 Blind Willie Johnson - Trouble Will Soon Be Over
20-05 Blind Willie Johnson - I Know His Blood Can Make Me Whole
20-06 Blind Willie Johnson - Everybody Ought to Treat a Stranger Right
20-07 Blind Willie Johnson - It's Nobody's Fault but Mine
20-08 Blind Willie Johnson - I'm Gonna Run to the City of Refuge
20-09 Blind Willie Johnson - Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning
20-10 Blind Willie Johnson - Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed
20-11 Tommy Johnson - Cool Drink of Water Blues
20-12 Tommy Johnson - Maggie Campbell Blues [See See Rider]
20-13 Tommy Johnson - Canned Heat Blues
20-14 Tommy Johnson - Big Road Blues
20-15 Tommy Johnson - Alcohol and Jake Blues
20-16 Skip James - If You Haven't Any Hay Get On Down the Road
20-17 Skip James - 22-20 Blues
20-18 Skip James - How Long "Buck"
20-19 Skip James - Cypress Grove Blues
20-20 Skip James - Devil Got My Woman

21-01 B.B. King - B.B. Boogie
21-02 B.B. King - When Your Baby Packs Up and Goes
21-03 B.B. King - Got the Blues
21-04 B.B. King - Take a Swing with Me
21-05 B.B. King - Miss Martha King
21-06 B.B. King - Mistreated Woman
21-07 B.B. King - The Other Night Blues
21-08 B.B. King - Walkin' and Cryin'
21-09 B.B. King - My Baby Is Gone
21-10 B.B. King - Fine Looking Woman
21-11 B.B. King - She's Dynamite
21-12 B.B. King - She's a Mean Woman
21-13 B.B. King - Hard Working Woman
21-14 B.B. King - That Ain't the Way to Do It
21-15 B.B. King - Three O'Clock Blues
21-16 B.B. King - She Don't Move Me No More
21-17 B.B. King - Shake It Up and Go
21-18 B.B. King - My Own Fault Darlin'
21-19 B.B. King - Gotta Find My Baby
21-20 B.B. King - B.B. Blues

22-01 Little Walter - Blues with a Feeling
22-02 Little Walter - Juke
22-03 Little Walter - Sad Hours
22-04 Little Walter - Tell Me Mama
22-05 Little Walter - Off the Wall
22-06 Little Walter - You Better Watch Yourself
22-07 Little Walter - My Babe
22-08 Little Walter - Last Night
22-09 Little Walter - You're So Fine
22-10 Little Walter - Roller Coaster
22-11 Little Walter - Moonshine Blues
22-12 Little Walter - Bad Acting Woman
22-13 Little Walter - Blue Baby
22-14 Little Walter - Can't Hold On Much Longer
22-15 Little Walter - Tonight with a Fool
22-16 Little Walter - Boogie
22-17 Little Walter - Red Headed Woman
22-18 Little Walter - I Just Keep Loving Her
22-19 Little Walter - Mean Old World
22-20 Little Walter - Lights Out

23-01 Lightnin' Slim - Rock Me Mama
23-02 Lightnin' Slim - Bad Luck
23-03 Lightnin' Slim - New Orleans Bound
23-04 Lightnin' Slim - Bugger Bugger Boy
23-05 Lightnin' Slim - I'm a Rollin' Stone
23-06 Lightnin' Slim - Hoodoo Man
23-07 Lightnin' Slim - I'm Grown
23-08 Lightnin' Slim - Nothing but the Devil
23-09 Lightnin' Slim - Tom Cat Blues
23-10 Lightnin' Slim - Wintertime Blues
23-11 J.B. Lenoir - I Have Married
23-12 J.B. Lenoir - How Much More
23-13 J.B. Lenoir - Let's Roll Pt. 1
23-14 J.B. Lenoir - The Mojo Pt. 1
23-15 J.B. Lenoir - Slow Down Woman
23-16 J.B. Lenoir - Louise
23-17 J.B. Lenoir - When I Was Young
23-18 J.B. Lenoir - Bassology
23-19 J.B. Lenoir - Play a Little While
23-20 J.B. Lenoir - Livin' in the White House

24-01 Leadbelly - Alabama Bound
24-02 Leadbelly - Fort Worth and Dallas Blues
24-03 Leadbelly - Leavin' Blues
24-04 Leadbelly - Midnight Special
24-05 Leadbelly - T.B. Woman Blues
24-06 Leadbelly - New York City
24-07 Leadbelly - Shorty George
24-08 Leadbelly - John Hardy
24-09 Leadbelly - Bourgeois Blues
24-10 Leadbelly - Good Morning Blues
24-11 Leadbelly - Easy Rider
24-12 Leadbelly - Pretty Flower in Your Backyard
24-13 Leadbelly - Black Snake Moan
24-14 Leadbelly - See See Rider
24-15 Leadbelly - Roberta Pt. 1
24-16 Leadbelly - Pigmeat
24-17 Leadbelly - Grey Goose
24-18 Leadbelly - Pick a Bale of Cotton
24-19 Leadbelly - Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
24-20 Leadbelly - Death Letter Blues Pt. 1

25-01 Little Willie John - Fever
25-02 Little Willie John - All Around the World
25-03 Little Willie John - Suffering with the Blues
25-04 Little Willie John - Tell It Like It Is
25-05 Little Willie John - Person to Person
25-06 Little Willie John - Need Your Love So Bad
25-07 Little Willie John - Talk to Me, Talk to Me
25-08 Little Willie John - Home at Last
25-09 Little Willie John - My Nerves
25-10 Little Willie John - Leave My Kitten Alone
25-11 Smiley Lewis - How Long
25-12 Smiley Lewis - Goin' to Jump and Shout
25-13 Smiley Lewis - Ain't Goin' There No More
25-14 Smiley Lewis - Last Night
25-15 Smiley Lewis - Tee-Nah-Nah
25-16 Smiley Lewis - Lonesome Highway
25-17 Smiley Lewis - Lying Woman
25-18 Smiley Lewis - No Letter Today
25-19 Smiley Lewis - Mama Don't Like
25-20 Smiley Lewis - I Want to Be with Her

26-01 Furry Lewis - Everybody's Blues
26-02 Furry Lewis - Sweet Papa Moon
26-03 Furry Lewis - Kassie Jones Pt. 1
26-04 Furry Lewis - Billy Lyons and Stack-O-Lee
26-05 Furry Lewis - Judge Harsh Blues
26-06 Furry Lewis - John Henry
26-07 Furry Lewis - Black Gypsy Blues
26-08 Furry Lewis - I Will Turn Your Money Green
26-09 Furry Lewis - Jelly Roll
26-10 Furry Lewis - Good Looking Girl Blues
26-11 Furry Lewis - Mistreatin' Mama
26-12 Furry Lewis - Furry's Blues
26-13 Furry Lewis - Mean Old Bed Bug Blues
26-14 Furry Lewis - Big Chief Blues
26-15 Furry Lewis - Why Don't You Come Home Blues
26-16 Robert Lockwood - Dust My Broom
26-17 Robert Lockwood - Pearly
26-18 Robert Lockwood - Aw Aw Baby [Sweet Home Chicago]
26-19 Robert Lockwood - Sweet Woman from Maine
26-20 Robert Lockwood - You've Gotta Stop This Mess

27-01 Magic Sam - All Your Love
27-02 Magic Sam - Love Me with a Feeling
27-03 Magic Sam - Everything Gonna Be Alright
27-04 Magic Sam - Easy Baby
27-05 Magic Sam - 21 Days in Jail
27-06 Jimmy McCracklin - Listen Woman
27-07 Jimmy McCracklin - I Can't Understand Love
27-08 Jimmy McCracklin - Josephine (Just Won't Let Her Go)
27-09 Jimmy McCracklin - Love When It Rains
27-10 Jimmy McCracklin - I Think My Time Is Here
27-11 Jimmy McCracklin - Deceivin' Blues
27-12 Jimmy McCracklin - Beer Drinkin' Woman
27-13 Jimmy McCracklin - Hamburger Joint
27-14 Jimmy McCracklin - Just Won't Let Her Go
27-15 Jimmy McCracklin - Rockin' All Day
27-16 Jimmy McCracklin - Gotta Cut Out
27-17 Jimmy McCracklin - Rockin' Man
27-18 Jimmy McCracklin - Looking for a Woman
27-19 Jimmy McCracklin - True Love Blues
27-20 Jimmy McCracklin - The Walk

28-01 Percy Mayfield - Please Send Me Someone to Love
28-02 Percy Mayfield - Strange Things Happening
28-03 Percy Mayfield - What a Fool I Was
28-04 Percy Mayfield - Lost Love (Baby, Please)
28-05 Percy Mayfield - Advice
28-06 Percy Mayfield - Nightmare
28-07 Percy Mayfield - You Don't Exist No More
28-08 Percy Mayfield - Get Way Back
28-09 Percy Mayfield - The River's Invitation
28-10 Percy Mayfield - Life Is Suicide
28-11 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Dragnet Blues
28-12 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Saturday Night (Four Nights Drunk)
28-13 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Johnny, Johnny
28-14 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Down in Texas
28-15 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Be Cool
28-16 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Playing Numbers
28-17 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Crazy with the Blues
28-18 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Nightmare Blues
28-19 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - Gee, It's Rough
28-20 Johnny Moore's Three Blazers - I Don't Know, Yes I Know

29-01 Memphis Minnie - Frisco Town
29-02 Memphis Minnie - Moonshine
29-03 Memphis Minnie - Nothing in Rambling
29-04 Memphis Minnie - I'm Talking About You
29-05 Memphis Minnie - Joe Louis Strut
29-06 Memphis Minnie - Me and My Chauffeur Blues
29-07 Memphis Minnie - My Baby Don't Want Me No More
29-08 Memphis Minnie - Bumble Bee
29-09 Memphis Minnie - Boy Friend Blues
29-10 Memphis Minnie - In My Girlish Days
29-11 Big Maybelle - Gabbin' Blues (Don't Run My Business)
29-12 Big Maybelle - Rain Down Rain
29-13 Big Maybelle - Way Back Home
29-14 Big Maybelle - Please Stay Away from My Sam
29-15 Big Maybelle - Jinny Mule
29-16 Big Maybelle - I've Got a Feelin'
29-17 Big Maybelle - One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
29-18 Big Maybelle - Hair Dressin' Women
29-19 Big Maybelle - Don't Leave Poor Me
29-20 Big Maybelle - No More Trouble out of Me

30-01 Roy Milton - Cryin' and Singin' the Blues
30-02 Roy Milton - I Want a Little Girl
30-03 Roy Milton - My Blue Heaven
30-04 Roy Milton - 'Taint Me
30-05 Roy Milton - Groovy Blues
30-06 Roy Milton - Waking Up Blues
30-07 Roy Milton - Sympathetic Blues
30-08 Roy Milton - Playboy Blues
30-09 Roy Milton - Rhythm Cocktail
30-10 Roy Milton - Bye Bye Blues
30-11 Amos Milburn - Chicken Shack Boogie
30-12 Amos Milburn - I'm Still a Fool for You
30-13 Amos Milburn - All Is Well
30-14 Amos Milburn - My Happiness Depends on You
30-15 Amos Milburn - I Know You Love Me
30-16 Amos Milburn - One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer
30-17 Amos Milburn - Bad Bad Whiskey
30-18 Amos Milburn - Let's Have a Party
30-19 Amos Milburn - Down the Road Apiece
30-20 Amos Milburn - Trouble in Mind

31-01 Big Maceo - Worried Life Blues
31-02 Big Maceo - County Jail Blues
31-03 Big Maceo - Can't You Read
31-04 Big Maceo - Tuff Luck Blues
31-05 Big Maceo - It's All Up to You
31-06 Big Maceo - Poor Kelly Blues
31-07 Big Maceo - My Last Go Round
31-08 Big Maceo - I Got the Blues
31-09 Big Maceo - Ramblin' Mind Blues
31-10 Big Maceo - Why Should I Hang Around
31-11 Blind Willie McTell - Georgia Rag
31-12 Blind Willie McTell - Rough Alley Blues
31-13 Blind Willie McTell - Low Rider's Blues
31-14 Blind Willie McTell - Painful Blues
31-15 Blind Willie McTell - Experience Blues
31-16 Blind Willie McTell - Low Down Blues
31-17 Blind Willie McTell - Lonesome Day Blues
31-18 Blind Willie McTell - Mama, Let Me Scoop for You
31-19 Blind Willie McTell - Rollin' Mama Blues
31-20 Blind Willie McTell - Searching the Desert for the Blues

32-01 Memphis Slim - Really Got the Blues
32-02 Memphis Slim - Mother Earth
32-03 Memphis Slim - I Guess I'm a Fool
32-04 Memphis Slim - Havin' Fun
32-05 Memphis Slim - Marack
32-06 Memphis Slim - Tia Juana
32-07 Memphis Slim - Reverend Bounce
32-08 Memphis Slim - I'm Crying
32-09 Memphis Slim - Blues for My Baby
32-10 Memphis Slim - Slim's Blues
32-11 Tommy McClennan - Baby, Don't You Want to Go
32-12 Tommy McClennan - You Can't Mistreat Me
32-13 Tommy McClennan - Shake 'em On Down
32-14 Tommy McClennan - Bottle It Up and Go
32-15 Tommy McClennan - Brown Skin Girl
32-16 Tommy McClennan - I'm Going Don't You Know
32-17 Tommy McClennan - My Baby's Gone
32-18 Tommy McClennan - Whiskey Headed Woman
32-19 Tommy McClennan - It's Hard to Be Lonesome
32-20 Tommy McClennan - Highway 51

33-01 Mississippi Fred McDowell - I'm Going Down to the River
33-02 Mississippi Fred McDowell - When the Train Comes Along
33-03 Mississippi Fred McDowell - Shake 'em On Down
33-04 Mississippi Fred McDowell - Worried Mind
33-05 Mississippi Fred McDowell - Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning
33-06 Mississippi Fred McDowell - What's the Matter Now?
33-07 Mississippi Fred McDowell - Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
33-08 Mississippi Fred McDowell - You Done Told Everybody
33-09 Mississippi Fred McDowell - Wished I Was in Heaven Sitting Down
33-10 Mississippi Fred McDowell - 61 Highway
33-11 Mississippi John Hurt - Candy Man Blues
33-12 Mississippi John Hurt - Blessed Be the Name
33-13 Mississippi John Hurt - Nobody's Dirty Business
33-14 Mississippi John Hurt - Louis Collins
33-15 Mississippi John Hurt - Praying on the Old Camp Ground
33-16 Mississippi John Hurt - Spike Driver Blues
33-17 Mississippi John Hurt - Avalon Blues
33-18 Mississippi John Hurt - Ain't No Telling
33-19 Mississippi John Hurt - Blue Harvest Blues
33-20 Mississippi John Hurt - Got the Blues

34-01 Robert Nighthawk - Crying Won't Help You
34-02 Robert Nighthawk - Seventy-Four
34-03 Robert Nighthawk - Nighthawk Boogie
34-04 Robert Nighthawk - Kansas City
34-05 Robert Nighthawk - Bricks in My Pillow
34-06 Robert Nighthawk - Maggie Campbell
34-07 Robert Nighthawk - Feel So Bad
34-08 Robert Nighthawk - You Missed a Good Man
34-09 Robert Nighthawk - The Moon Is Rising
34-10 Robert Nighthawk - Take It Easy, Baby
34-11 Johnny Otis - Good Ole Blues
34-12 Johnny Otis - Mean Ole Gal
34-13 Johnny Otis - Hangover Blues
34-14 Johnny Otis - Thursday Night Blues
34-15 Johnny Otis - I Gotta Guy
34-16 Johnny Otis - Get Together Blues
34-17 Johnny Otis - Double Crossing Blues
34-18 Johnny Otis - Head Hunter
34-19 Johnny Otis - Going to See My Baby
34-20 Johnny Otis - New Orleans Shuffle

35-01 Charley Patton - High Water Everywhere Pt. 1
35-02 Charley Patton - Hang It on the Wall
35-03 Charley Patton - Prayer of Death Pt. 1
35-04 Charley Patton - Sic em Dogs On
35-05 Charley Patton - Watch and Pray
35-06 Charley Patton - Snatch and Grab It
35-07 Charley Patton - M and O Blues
35-08 Charley Patton - Dark Road Blues
35-09 Charley Patton - Country Farm Blues
35-10 Charley Patton - Forty Four
35-11 Snooky Pryor - Snooky and Moody's Boogie
35-12 Snooky Pryor - Telephone Blues
35-13 Snooky Pryor - Boogy Fool
35-14 Snooky Pryor - Stop the Train, Conductor
35-15 Snooky Pryor - Walking Boogie
35-16 Snooky Pryor - Uncle Sam, Don't Take My Man
35-17 Snooky Pryor - Rough Treatment
35-18 Snooky Pryor - Stockyard Blues
35-19 Snooky Pryor - Keep What You Got
35-20 Snooky Pryor - Let Me Ride Your Mule

36-01 Professor Longhair - Go to the Mardi Gras
36-02 Professor Longhair - In the Night
36-03 Professor Longhair - Hey Little Girl
36-04 Professor Longhair - Walk Your Blues Away
36-05 Professor Longhair - Willie Mae
36-06 Professor Longhair - Professor Longhair Blues
36-07 Professor Longhair - Misery
36-08 Professor Longhair - Looka, No Hair
36-09 Professor Longhair - Cuttin' Out
36-10 Professor Longhair - Baby, Let Me Hold Your Hand
36-11 Junior Parker - Feelin' Good
36-12 Junior Parker - Mystery Train
36-13 Junior Parker - Sittin' at the Bar
36-14 Junior Parker - Sittin' at the Window
36-15 Junior Parker - Sittin', Drinkin' and Thinkin'
36-16 Junior Parker - Dirty Friend Blues
36-17 Junior Parker - Backtracking
36-18 Junior Parker - I Wanna Ramble
36-19 Junior Parker - There Better Be No Feet
36-20 Junior Parker - Fussin' and Fightin' Blues

37-01 Jimmy Reed - Baby What You Want Me to Do
37-02 Jimmy Reed - Found Love
37-03 Jimmy Reed - Big Boss Man
37-04 Jimmy Reed - Hush Hush
37-05 Jimmy Reed - I'm Nervous
37-06 Jimmy Reed - Going by the River Pt. 1
37-07 Jimmy Reed - I Ain't Got You
37-08 Jimmy Reed - Come Love
37-09 Jimmy Reed - Meet Me
37-10 Jimmy Reed - I Was So Wrong
37-11 Otis Rush - Checking on My Baby
37-12 Otis Rush - Love That Woman
37-13 Otis Rush - My Baby Is a Good'un
37-14 Otis Rush - All Your Love
37-15 Otis Rush - If You Were Mine
37-16 Otis Rush - Violent Love
37-17 Otis Rush - My Love Will Never Die
37-18 Otis Rush - Three Times a Fool
37-19 Otis Rush - Keep On Loving Me Baby
37-20 Otis Rush - It Takes Time

38-01 Jimmy Rushing - Good Morning Blues
38-02 Jimmy Rushing - See See Rider
38-03 Jimmy Rushing - Take Me Back, Baby
38-04 Jimmy Rushing - Sent for You Yesterday
38-05 Jimmy Rushing - Roll'em Pete
38-06 Jimmy Rushing - My Friend Mr. Blues
38-07 Jimmy Rushing - Every Day
38-08 Jimmy Rushing - Sometimes I Think I Do
38-09 Jimmy Rushing - Take Me with You, Baby
38-10 Jimmy Rushing - Evenin'
38-11 Tampa Red - You Missed a Good Man
38-12 Tampa Red - She Want to Sell My Monkey
38-13 Tampa Red - She's Love Crazy
38-14 Tampa Red - Hard Road Blues
38-15 Tampa Red - Let Me Play with Your Poodle
38-16 Tampa Red - Crying Won't Help You
38-17 Tampa Red - Sweet Little Angel
38-18 Tampa Red - But I Forgive You
38-19 Tampa Red - So Much Trouble
38-20 Tampa Red - Big Stars Falling Blues

39-01 Bessie Smith - Down Hearted Blues
39-02 Bessie Smith - Gulf Coast Blues
39-03 Bessie Smith - Oh Daddy Blues
39-04 Bessie Smith - Baby Won't You Please Come Home
39-05 Bessie Smith - Aggravation Papa
39-06 Bessie Smith - Beale Street Mama
39-07 Bessie Smith - Keeps On A-Rainin' (Papa, He Can't Make No Time)
39-08 Bessie Smith - Taint Nobody's Bizness If I Do
39-09 Bessie Smith - Mama's Got the Blues
39-10 Bessie Smith - Outside of That
39-11 Bessie Smith - Lady Luck Blues
39-12 Bessie Smith - Yodling Blues
39-13 Bessie Smith - Bleeding Hearted Blues
39-14 Bessie Smith - Midnight Blues
39-15 Bessie Smith - If You Don't, I Know Who Will
39-16 Bessie Smith - Nobody in Town Can Bake a Sweet Jelly Roll Like Mine
39-17 Bessie Smith - Jaul House Blues
39-18 Bessie Smith - Sam Jones Blues
39-19 Bessie Smith - Cemetery Blues
39-20 Bessie Smith - Graveyard Dream Blues

40-01 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Rockin' Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu
40-02 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Little Chickee Wah Wah
40-03 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Hush Your Mouth
40-04 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Don't You Know Yockomo
40-05 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Havin' a Good Time
40-06 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Beatnik Blues
40-07 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Well I'll Be John Brown
40-08 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Everybody's Wailin'
40-09 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Mean Mean Mean
40-10 Huey 'Piano' Smith - Little Liza Jane
40-11 Frankie Lee Sims - Lucy Mae Blues
40-12 Frankie Lee Sims - Long Gone
40-13 Frankie Lee Sims - Jelly Roll Baker
40-14 Frankie Lee Sims - I Done Talked and I Done Talked
40-15 Frankie Lee Sims - Cryin' Won't Help You
40-16 Frankie Lee Sims - Don't Take It Out on Me
40-17 Frankie Lee Sims - Raggedy and Dirty
40-18 Frankie Lee Sims - Frankie's Blues
40-19 Frankie Lee Sims - Married Woman
40-20 Frankie Lee Sims - Lucy Mae Blues Pt. 2

41-01 Roosevelt Sykes - 44 Blues
41-02 Roosevelt Sykes - Under Eyed Woman
41-03 Roosevelt Sykes - Knock Me Out
41-04 Roosevelt Sykes - Trouble and Whiskey
41-05 Roosevelt Sykes - Sykes Advice Blues
41-06 Roosevelt Sykes - Training Camp Blues
41-07 Roosevelt Sykes - Sugar Babe Blues
41-08 Roosevelt Sykes - Jiving the Jive
41-09 Roosevelt Sykes - Little Sam
41-10 Roosevelt Sykes - The Honeydripper
41-11 Son House - Am I Right or Wrong
41-12 Son House - The Pony Blues
41-13 Son House - Walkin' Blues
41-14 Son House - Depot Blues
41-15 Son House - Country Farm Blues
41-16 Son House - The Jinx Blues
41-17 Son House - Levee Camp Blues
41-18 Son House - Special Rider Blues
41-19 Son House - Low Down Dirty Dog Blues
41-20 Son House - American Defense

42-01 Sunnyland Slim - Mud Kicking Woman
42-02 Sunnyland Slim - Brown Skin Woman
42-03 Sunnyland Slim - I'm Just a Lonesome Man
42-04 Sunnyland Slim - Back to Korea Now
42-05 Sunnyland Slim - You've Got to Stop This Mess
42-06 Sunnyland Slim - Sunnyland Special
42-07 Sunnyland Slim - Leaving Your Town
42-08 Sunnyland Slim - I Done You Wrong
42-09 Sunnyland Slim - Orphan Boy Blues
42-10 Sunnyland Slim - When I Was Young (Shake It Baby)
42-11 Sunnyland Slim - Hit the Road Again
42-12 Johnny Shines - Ramblin'
42-13 Johnny Shines - Fishtail
42-14 Johnny Shines - Cool Drive
42-15 Johnny Shines - Ain't Doin' No Good
42-16 Johnny Shines - Evening Shuffle
42-17 Johnny Shines - Evening Sun
42-18 Johnny Shines - No Name Blues
42-19 Johnny Shines - Brutal Hearted Woman
42-20 Johnny Shines - Gonna Call the Angel

43-01 Big Mama Thornton - Partnership Blues
43-02 Big Mama Thornton - I'm All Fed Up
43-03 Big Mama Thornton - Let Your Tears Fall Baby
43-04 Big Mama Thornton - They Call Me Big Mama
43-05 Big Mama Thornton - Hound Dog
43-06 Big Mama Thornton - Walking Blues
43-07 Big Mama Thornton - I've Searched the World Over
43-08 Big Mama Thornton - I Smell a Rat
43-09 Big Mama Thornton - Nightmare
43-10 Big Mama Thornton - I Ain't No Fool Neither
43-11 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Let That Liar Alone
43-12 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Sit Down
43-13 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - What's the News
43-14 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Singin' in My Soul
43-15 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - The Natural Facts
43-16 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Two Little Fishes and Five Loaves of Bread
43-17 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Nobody's Fault but Mine
43-18 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares
43-19 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - All Over This World
43-20 Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Four or Five Times

44-01 Sonny Terry - Bye Bye Baby Blues
44-02 Sonny Terry - I Don't Care How Long
44-03 Sonny Terry - Blues and Worried Man
44-04 Sonny Terry - Harmonica Blues
44-05 Sonny Terry - Somebody's Been Talkin'
44-06 Sonny Terry - Harmonica Stomp
44-07 Sonny Terry - Twelve Gates to the City
44-08 Sonny Terry - You Got to Have Your Dollar
44-09 Sonny Terry - Don't Want No Skinny Woman
44-10 Sonny Terry - Blowing the Blues
44-11 Eddie Taylor - Bad Boy
44-12 Eddie Taylor - Big Town Playboy
44-13 Eddie Taylor - Find My Baby
44-14 Eddie Taylor - Stroll Out West
44-15 Eddie Taylor - E.T. Blues
44-16 Eddie Taylor - Don't Knock at My Door
44-17 Eddie Taylor - I'm Gonna Love You
44-18 Eddie Taylor - Leave This Neighborhood
44-19 Eddie Taylor - I'm Sitting Here
44-20 Eddie Taylor - Ride'em On Down

47-01 Muddy Waters - Country Blues
47-02 Muddy Waters - I Be's Troubled
47-03 Muddy Waters - Burr Clover Farm Blues
47-04 Muddy Waters - Take a Walk with Me
47-05 Muddy Waters - Burr Clover Blues
47-06 Muddy Waters - Walking Blues
47-07 Muddy Waters - I Can't Be Satisfied
47-08 Muddy Waters - Gypsy Woman
47-09 Muddy Waters - I Feel Like Going Home
47-10 Muddy Waters - Little Anna Mae
47-11 Junior Wells - Hoodoo Man
47-12 Junior Wells - Junior's Wail
47-13 Junior Wells - Tomorrow Night
47-14 Junior Wells - Please Throw This Poor Dog a Bone
47-15 Junior Wells - Blues Hit Big Town
47-16 Junior Wells - Bout the Break of Day
47-17 Junior Wells - So All Alone
47-18 Junior Wells - Cut That Out
47-19 Junior Wells - Ways Like an Angel
47-20 Junior Wells - Lord Lord

48-01 Sippie Wallace - I'm a Mighty Tight Woman
48-02 Sippie Wallace - Murder's Gonna Be My Crime
48-03 Sippie Wallace - Suitcase
48-04 Sippie Wallace - Special Delivery Blues
48-05 Sippie Wallace - The Flood Blues
48-06 Sippie Wallace - Dead Drunk Blues
48-07 Sippie Wallace - A Man for Every Day in the Week
48-08 Sippie Wallace - Jack of Diamond Blues
48-09 Sippie Wallace - A Jealous Woman
48-10 Sippie Wallace - The Mail Train Blues
48-11 Peetie Wheatstraw - Devil's Son-In-Law
48-12 Peetie Wheatstraw - Shake That Thing
48-13 Peetie Wheatstraw - Gangster's Blues
48-14 Peetie Wheatstraw - Come Over and See Me
48-15 Peetie Wheatstraw - Cake Alley
48-16 Peetie Wheatstraw - Shack Bully Stomp
48-17 Peetie Wheatstraw - Tight Time Project
48-18 Peetie Wheatstraw - Working on the Project
48-19 Peetie Wheatstraw - Weeping Willow Blues
48-20 Peetie Wheatstraw - Peetie Wheatstraw Stomp

51-01 Bukka White - Good Gin Blues
51-02 Bukka White - Shake 'em On Down
51-03 Bukka White - When Can I Change My Clothes?
51-04 Bukka White - High Fever Blues
51-05 Bukka White - Bukka's Jitterbug Swing
51-06 Bukka White - District Attorney Blues
51-07 Bukka White - Strange Place Blues
51-08 Bukka White - Sleepy My Blues
51-09 Bukka White - Pinebluff, Arkansas
51-10 Bukka White - Fixin' to Die Blues
51-11 Josh White - Uncle Sam Says
51-12 Josh White - Jim Crow Train
51-13 Josh White - Bad Housing Blues
51-14 Josh White - Southern Exposure
51-15 Josh White - Defence Factory Blues
51-16 Josh White - Prison Bound
51-17 Josh White - Hard Time Blues
51-18 Josh White - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
51-19 Josh White - One Meat Ball
51-20 Josh White - Hard Times Blues

52-01 Jimmy Yancey - Rolling the Stone
52-02 Jimmy Yancey - Steady Rock Blues
52-03 Jimmy Yancey - P.L.K. Special
52-04 Jimmy Yancey - South Side Stuff
52-05 Jimmy Yancey - Yancey's Getaway
52-06 Jimmy Yancey - How Long Blues
52-07 Jimmy Yancey - Yancey Stomp
52-08 Jimmy Yancey - State Street Special
52-09 Jimmy Yancey - Five O'Clock Blues
52-10 Jimmy Yancey - La Salle Street Breakdown
52-11 Jimmy Yancey - Four O'Clock Blues
52-12 Jimmy Yancey - 35th and Dearborne
52-13 Jimmy Yancey - Monkey Woman Blues
52-14 Jimmy Yancey - Santa Fe Blues
52-15 Jimmy Yancey - Make Me a Pallet on the Floor
52-16 Jimmy Yancey - Lucille's Lament
52-17 Jimmy Yancey - Two O'Clock Blues
52-18 Jimmy Yancey - Yancey Special
52-19 Jimmy Yancey - White Sox Stomp
52-20 Jimmy Yancey - Shave'em Dry